beautiful home style Hundred and eight houses Take your friends to visit today. Residential house style, garden house style, suitable for planting this semi-resort house. which will focus on designing to have functions for relaxation Designed by Ekk Wang from the Id Arch team.
Baan Suan Resort Design is a house designed for relaxation. The ID Arch team intends to design a house with a land site. On a hill and sloping land behind the house and has a view house May be land next to a river, marsh, canal, lake, sea or hill, it is considered a good land.
Suitable for building a semi-resort house after this which will focus on designing to have functions for relaxation In the area on the first floor there is a wide balcony. for activities and take a wide view of the roof And do activities together for visitors There is a reception hall, dining area and kitchen with a contiguous area, a wide hall, a high ceiling, designed a wide glass door and window. to take an outside view and open to the wind and has an area connected to the outside a wide balcony Able to organize a small party, and take a beautiful view in the evening